Heritage Session: Keswick


An Evening With the Jone’s Family


"Heritage Sessions" have easily become my very favourite part of my job. I leave them feeling very full-filled knowing that these images will likely collect dust on shelves and be revisited for decades to come, hopefully evoking the same emotions felt the day they were photographed. I have gained a far deeper appreciation for my own family and my childhood growing up with my six sisters and parents who loved us more than I'll ever know.  I have gotten to document the quirks, routines, and moments that happen behind closed doors, and that has truly impacted my own value of the words "heritage" and "family". Something has changed in me this year. I care far more about things I never paid mind to, and care a lot less about many of the things I thought I wanted. Loving people deeply truly is one of the most worthy endeavours we cold pursue I think. Being welcomed into the family life of that like who live that out, has helped me understand it better.